Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Bro Code: How Contemporary Culture Creates Sexist Men (event 2)

Right from the first second of this short movie, the sexism was displayed.  Men with big muscles and tans, with ripped shirts were dancing with women who were half naked, and blonde.  The typical stereotypes of a “sexist” world came onto the screen before the title of the film did.  Along with these men dancing with undressed blonde bombshells, there were music videos of the typical rich man/rapper, who shows off their money, their cars, and their sexy women.  As the film moved forward, the director and narrator Thomas Keith, comes onto the screen.  Keith explains how the world has taught him, as a man than they are the more superior.  During the course of the movie, key factors and key examples of sexist men were shown.  People that came up a lot would be the men of the hit music television Jersey Shore.  Ronnie was quoted on there saying how all he wants is “Bitches and Booze,” and that he “isn’t going to fall in love at the Jersey Shore.”  While another star from the show, “The Situation,” was quoted saying that numbers did not mean anything and the more is better.  The Bro Code, also depicts how women are looked at as objects and show things instead of people.  Another example of this is a true story of a 15-year-old girl being raped repeatedly by 10 or more boys in a public school-yard.  And no one did anything about it but watch.  The little girl was admitted into the hospital, and stayed in intensive care for days.  Another great point that was brought up was a movie clip featuring Tom Cruise.  Tom is holding a seminar where he explains how the man is the almighty, and should always be taken care of, and in charge.  He then precedes to make humping motions and moaning showing that he is in control of the women he is having sex with.  He screams things like “respect the cock,” “I am the one who says yes, no, now, where!”  “we are men!”  Going along with these quotes from Tom Cruise’s character, The Bro Code shows how men think they are in control of when and where women have sex.  This is where colleges were interviewed and blatantly stated that they have been to a party where girls were roofied, and taken advantage.  Someone even said this exact quote “if women were to be raped they should just sit back and enjoy it,” this shocked me, that anyone could even think this way of such a horrible crime.  Watching this movie actually brought up anger in my body.  I could feel for these women’s stories, and it was sad but I sometimes agreed 100% with the things being said.

I have to say that it was kind of difficult to find connections from the articles we have read that were different from articles I connected to the last movie I watched.  So I hope it is okay that I am reusing some of the other articles I did last time.

For the first article connection I made, I chose Privilege, Power, and Difference. I did not even have to look through my folder filled with articles, I knew I was going to use this from the beginning.  For the obvious reasons of men and the richer thinking that they are better and more superior to women or poor people.  In the movie, it was said over and over again how men are more superior than women, and that they are better and smarter and so on and so forth.  In the article not only does it say that men are the superiors, but that rich white men were.  This article takes the ideas of the movie to an entirely different level.  In the film, The Bro Code, it was said how the rappers music videos and the people on reality TV shows are the envied, and in the article, it says how the people with nice cars and huge mansions are envied.

While watching The Bro Code, there was one specific issue that came up a couple of times that I both agreed with and also saw in a past article.  It was the issue of being homosexual.  The Bro Code says that gay men are mostly more hidden, and take longer to come out of the closet.  The article, Oppression, explains how some people are stuck, and cannot be true to them because some are scared, some are worried, and some are unclear.  The people who were interviewed in the movie either were straight and made fun of gay men, or were gay and told us quickly about their struggle.  In the film, men were portrayed to always “get with” women, and that was the norm.  If this was not done, they were seemed to be as weird, causing them to be made fun of.  In Oppression, Marilyn Frye, she mostly speaks about women, but I just flipped the gender for this occasion.  I personally felt bad for the gay men who spoke in this documentary, and anyone who feels that they cannot be themselves due to bullies or the peer pressure of being normal.

Finally, for my third connection from the movie to an article read in class was …..
Going to come back to this after reading more articles!!!



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