Thursday, November 1, 2012

8 ways to be positive you're sex positive & wiki article - reflection

This was a fun read for me.  As I heard other people saying in class, “I am not afraid to talk about sex,”  I agree with this completely.  Ask me anything.. im not going to lie, sugarcoat, withhold.  Sex is a thing that is everywhere around us, most of the time good, sometimes bad.  I can say that I am sex positive.  And to back this up I can bring out one main point in the 8 ways to be positive that you are sex positive article.  Number 4 “know thyself.”  Ms. White says that she is sex positive and is okay with verbalizing what she lieks and dislikes with her parteners.  I am only 19, but I do have a good idea of what I like and do not.  I am not at all saying that there isn’t a lot more things to accomplish, try, challenge, and experience.  But this was the point that stuck out to me the most.  White asks some questions in this “know thyself” section, that got me to think myself. 
i believe sex is an important topic in life, and i regret that fact that it was never spoken about in my family.  i was on my own for sex ED, which was a good and bad thing.  i believe this is one of the main reasons i lost my virginity at an older age then some of my friends.  i didnt know how to ask about it, talk about it, or BE about it.  i know how i can help my younger sister now, and i know sex isnt wrong. 

This article is really awesome and I enjoyed reading, agreeing, and questioning myself. 

While White’s blog was a younger spin on the whole subject and brought me down to earth, the Wiki article was more informational.  Thank God I decided to read the blog first HA!
On Wiki it explains the different types of sex –positive and the different types of feminist that are or are not sex-positive.  My question was answered… do you need to be a feminist to be sex-positive?  I say no! and reading other blogs from my classmates I say they agree.  Wiki also talks about the word “Sex-Freedom,” which I enjoyed a lot.   

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree on six being everywhere. Although some schools do talk about it what they fail to do is real push teens to be able to talk about it comfortably.
