Monday, November 26, 2012

interrupting the cycle of oppression: the role of allies as agents of change


while reading this article, a lot of loose ends were tied together for me. i feel as though that Ayvazian made this an easy read and made her points clear.  
my favorite part of the article is the section where "what is an ally?" is talked about.  this is a word i have heard in the course many times and never truly understood the meaning.  by the first sentence i felt more at ease with this word.  ( not that it wasnt explained in class, i just enjoyed the way that Ayvazian stated ALLIES) Ayvazian also used to word oppression to explain allies, which was another factor which made it easier for me to understand.  something i found mesmerizing was the last sentence of the third paragraph (pg. 116) "Even a white, able-bodied, heterosexual, Christian male will literally grow out of his total dominance if he reaches old age."  i found this so funny because it basically mocked the male race.. and the idea of women being more in control than a man.  i literally laughed out loud when this sentence was read.  
another section i was enjoyed reading would be the "providing positive role models" section.  i found it to be an awesome couple of paragraphs because it was encourgaing.  and let the article end on a good note.  it enforced the fact that much more is possible when you have someone to be your mentor, someone to look up to, someone to aspire to be like. 

questions for the class:
does anyone have a changed opinion on becoming/being an ally now?
does anyone have a role model? someone theyd love to be like?


  1. I like how you point out that even the privileged male won't be privileged when he gets older. It makes us sound like were all the same. We all get old too.

  2. This article definitly did tie up a lot of loose ends. I feel like I don't identify as a feminist but because of this article I realize I can still be an ally.
