Sunday, February 10, 2013

354(3) a tangle of discourses - raby

A Tangle of Discourses: Girls Negotiating Adolescence - Rebecca C. Raby 

REFLECTION: Right off the bat i think of adolescent girls and how the media effects them, well actually, how a lot of things can effect a young girls mind. this title has already inserted me into the article, and i can already guess what its about..

 first off: id like to brake down some words; this always helps me analyze better and understand the main goals and concepts an author is trying to set forth.

 discourse = 1. Verbal expression in speech or writing. 2. Verbal exchange; conversation. 3. A formal, lengthy discussion of a subject, either written or spoken. 
adolescence = 1. growing to manhood or womanhood; youthful. 2. having the characteristics of adolescence or of an adolescent. 


To get personal, my younger teenage years were hard.. There was always something to pick and poke about me.. I didnt know why? Teenage years form you for your adult years i believe, and from reading this article i think that Raby would agree with me. 
--this article is about teenagers and the media, thought it was interesting and wanted to share.

I enjoyed how Raby broke down her writing into sections, this made it very easy to read (although i did still run into some complications).  
Another thing i enjoyed thoroughly was the personal interviews and the question and answer part of the article.. gave this writing a more casual feel.

"The present paper has examined key dominant discourses that frame adolescence, the investments behind these discourses and some of the contradictions
embedded within and between them. I have also considered how such discourses construct agency among teenagers." page 446
right here i believe is a very important quote.  Raby completely demonstrated many different ways discourse can change situations in either helping or hurting.  i never realized how important discourse is. 
discourse can be shown in either writing or in word of mouth.

Raby breaks down the teen into five different components:
1)the storm
3)at risk
4)social problem
5)pleasure consumption

i thought this breaking down of the teen was a great way to further detail the aspects of being a young adult.  i really appreciated these break downs and thought that they helped a lot.
for #1 Raby says that this is the risk taking stage of teens
#2 Raby states that this is when teens begin to find themselves and form real personalities in social and lonley situations
#3 Raby says that this is when the teen begins to experiment with different things, usually drugs, boys/girls, alcohol.. etc
#4 Raby says that this is when adults view the teens as annoying or as a burden
and finally for #5 Raby says that this is the stage where the media is pushing the teen to be something, do something, or buy something thats "COOL, IN, THE NEW THING" 

for class:
id love to dicuss how everyone's teenage years went..
did they happen in the five stages like Raby says they do?
Any cool/not cool experiences that you can honestly say shaped you into the way you are today?
How did everyone feel about the article? On point? a Bunch of bull?


  1. I like the way that Raby points out the five assumed stages that teens intermittently supposedly go through at various points in their lives--and then proceeds to break down these assumptions by pointing out how they contradict (in showing us the interviews).

    When Raby broke down the ideological definition of the "teenager" it made it easier for me to see where the interviewees fell into stereotypes (when talking about themselves) and where they contradicted those stereotypes.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. hey girl i am using your blog as the center of my post because i like the words you say. I had a hard time with this article so i wanted to use your post as my muse. It is my extended comment so if you want to see what i have to say check my blog out. Thanks for the inspiration.
